FTI tunnel
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Flanders is a technological masterpiece - FTI 2024

With beMatrix, we had the opportunity to participate in the Flanders Technology & innovation festival. FTI is the successor to technology fair Flanders Technology, which almost 25 years after its last edition aims to put Flanders back on the map with the general public as a region "where technology, entrepreneurship and innovations go hand in hand".

The guests entered the impressive venue through a LED tunnel in beMatrix. This tunnel consisted of our latest and double award-winning LEDskin® 1.5 technology and, of course, our already famous b62 frames.Extra importantly, this tunnel was the first project of Camp2Camp, a non-profit organisation that employs people from disadvantaged social groups. A project very close to our hearts!

Project info
beMatrix x Camp2Camp x Total-e
FTI 2024