Un'impresa epica per il pianeta: i primi telai certificati ClimatePartner del settore eventi sono beMatrix!
Siamo riusciti a rendere una parte sostanziale della nostra gamma di prodotti CERTIFICATA CLIMATEPARTNER. Stiamo parlando del 90% delle nostre cornici ECO+, prodotte nella nostra linea automatica in Belgio e utilizzate a livello globale. Un'impresa epica per il pianeta!
beMatrix presenta nuove innovazioni sorprendenti a EXHIBITORLIVE
Il 27 e 28 febbraio, beMatrix US ha presentato uno degli stand EXHIBITORLIVE più grandi di sempre. A Nashville, nel Tennessee, ha sfruttato uno stand di 6 metri per 12 per presentare alcuni dei nuovi prodotti che sono o saranno presto disponibili per il settore delle fiere.
beMatrix wins second place in the IDIA Awards with ProjectC!
beMatrix is proud to announce that ProjectC! has won a precious 2nd Place in the IFES Development + Innovation Award (IDIA). ProjectC! is the innovative masterplan of beMatrix to make sure the event industry can have a long and prosperous future.
From February 26th to March 2nd, beMatrix attended the EuroShop trade fair in Düsseldorf. We presented up to 9 new innovations to the general public in our 'beMatrix city' of 270 square meters. Let’s dive into the design!
Every year, 10 000 tons of material that are still perfectly usable is thrown away in the event sector. With the "Project C!" podcast, we aim to inspire and connect with other stakeholders in the event industry and beyond.
This year, beMatrix expects some real buzz at the HQ in Roeselare (BE). We have subscribed to support a brand new project to save the Belgian bee population!
A sustainable step forward for the ECO frame and pins
We are living in a world of continuous change. Our R&D team therefore works daily on product and process optimisation while always bearing the ecological footprint in mind.