The International Tourism Fair took place this year between 18 – 22 January. The government of Panama wanted to exhibit there, this challenge asked for excellent global cooperation between the client, stand builder, designer and beMatrix.
This fantastic project shows the real value of the beMatrix international network: it basically checks all the boxes of our strengths!
The stand is 100% beMatrix. It consists of frames, LEDskin®, beTruss, the Glass Profile (new!), the iZi furniture range, 2 different types of Lightboxes, the SAM Light and Perfect corners. On top of that, it combines purchase with our rental module. A project for beMaster No Limits, designed by our bePartner in Design Camilo Granados, built by Polish beMaster.

The technical beMatrix drawing
Structural drawings with all connectors and parts list.
The build-up
A look behind the scenes during the construction of the stand.
The result!
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