Encuentre su bePartner

beMatrix se esfuerza por ofrecer el mejor servicio posible. Hemos elegido trabajar con algunos socios para servicios específicos. Estos socios han sido cuidadosamente seleccionados en función de una serie de criterios importantes y son auditados anualmente. De este modo, establecemos una relación a largo plazo en la que ambas partes salen ganando.

¿Qué es un bePartner?Conviértase en bePartner

  • Paneles impresos
  • Textiles impresos

3Motion specialises in large format printing and visual communication.

  • LEDskin®
AS Technology

A.S. Technology specialises in exhibition and event technology such as beMatrix LEDskin®.

digital touch
  • Contenido LEDskin
Digital Touch Productions

Inspirational design from exhibition stands to digital content for LEDskin®.

  • LEDskin®

Eenorm is an established player in the AV world and has been familiar with beMatrix and beMatrix LEDskin® for years.

  • Paneles impresos
  • Textiles impresos
FDM Print Group

FDM Print Group is a printing company specialized in sublimated textiles such as decotex, decoblack, samba with keder.

  • Paneles impresos
  • Textiles impresos

Marker has the experience, the capacity and above all the will to realise the perfect promotional solution for your company.

Plano Plastics
  • Paneles impresos
Plano Plastics

Plano Plastics is an experienced and highly dynamic company in the plastics world.

  • Paneles impresos
  • Textiles impresos

Certified bePartner printed textiles.

  • Contenido LEDskin
Purple Creative Innovators

We innovate and embrace the power of technology to grab attention and engage minds.

stand ideas
  • bePartner Diseño
Stand Ideas

Elevate your brand with a modular stand! Belgian design studio with a strong focus on creativity and creating stopping power in a Western European style.

  • LEDskin®

We strive to exceed expectations. Of everything and everyone. Give us the chance to blow you away with our way of working.

van straaten
  • Paneles impresos
  • Textiles impresos
Van Straaten bv

We help our customers in branding spaces. Our team creates impressive visual communications, driving brand awareness and brand engagement.

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