Znajdź swojego bePartnera

beMatrix stawia na jakość, dlatego zdecydowaliśmy się na współpracę z kilkoma partnerami w zakresie określonych usług. Partnerzy ci zostali starannie wybrani na podstawie wielu ważnych kryteriów i każdego roku ich praca podlega audytowi. W ten sposób budujemy długoterminowe relacje, które są korzystne dla obu stron.

Czym jest bePartnera?Zostań bePartnerem

  • Printed Panels
  • Printed Textiles
Ateliers Cassandre

For several years, we have been the ideal printer for all large format communications.

  • LEDskin®

For several years, Audio+ has been the ideal partner for all your audiovisual projects. 

  • Printed Panels
  • Printed Textiles
Caractères Enseignes

Wielkoformatowa drukarnia cyfrowa z siedzibą w regionie paryskim. Certyfikat ISO 20121 od 2020 roku.

  • Printed Panels
  • Printed Textiles
FDM Print Group

FDM Print Group is a printing company specialized in sublimated textiles such as decotex, decoblack, samba with keder.

  • LEDskin®
Galaxy Visual Displays

We have been offering beMatrix stand designs for the last 4 years and those designs represent now the majority of our productions.

  • LEDskin®

DESYTECH has been an audiovisual service provider since 2013 and is a certified bePartner LEDskin®

La Romaine
  • Printed Panels
  • Printed Textiles
La Romaine

Official bePartner print. From CAD design and 3D simulation to installation and prints.

  • Printed Panels
  • Printed Textiles

Marker has the experience, the capacity and above all the will to realise the perfect promotional solution for your company.

mt couleurs
  • Printed Textiles

Certified textile printer for portable and modular stands, POP displays and sales force equipment.

Murer Cantieri Audiovisivi S.r.l.
  • LEDskin®
  • LEDskin® content
Murer Cantieri Audiovisivi S.r.l.

Our job consists in creating catching images, sounds, lights and atmospheres. We offer all our knowledge and the best technology to transform any indoor or outdoor place into a multi-sensorial experience.

  • LEDskin®
Otido Group

We have been active since 2003. In this time, we have gone from a small contractor to a multifunctional company with its own warehouse complex and production.

  • Printed Panels
  • Printed Textiles

Certified bePartner printed textiles.

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