Znajdź swojego bePartnera

beMatrix stawia na jakość, dlatego zdecydowaliśmy się na współpracę z kilkoma partnerami w zakresie określonych usług. Partnerzy ci zostali starannie wybrani na podstawie wielu ważnych kryteriów i każdego roku ich praca podlega audytowi. W ten sposób budujemy długoterminowe relacje, które są korzystne dla obu stron.

Czym jest bePartnera?Zostań bePartnerem

  • Printed Panels
  • Printed Textiles
Ateliers Cassandre

For several years, we have been the ideal printer for all large format communications.

  • Printed Panels
  • Printed Textiles
Caractères Enseignes

Wielkoformatowa drukarnia cyfrowa z siedzibą w regionie paryskim. Certyfikat ISO 20121 od 2020 roku.

digital touch
  • LEDskin® content
Digital Touch Productions

Inspirational design from exhibition stands to digital content for LEDskin®.

  • LEDskin®

Eenorm is an established player in the AV world and has been familiar with beMatrix and beMatrix LEDskin® for years.

  • LEDskin®

DESYTECH has been an audiovisual service provider since 2013 and is a certified bePartner LEDskin®

La Romaine
  • Printed Panels
  • Printed Textiles
La Romaine

Official bePartner print. From CAD design and 3D simulation to installation and prints.

mt couleurs
  • Printed Textiles

Certified textile printer for portable and modular stands, POP displays and sales force equipment.

Plano Plastics
  • Printed Panels
Plano Plastics

Plano Plastics is an experienced and highly dynamic company in the plastics world.

  • LEDskin® content
Purple Creative Innovators

We innovate and embrace the power of technology to grab attention and engage minds.

stand ideas
  • bePartner Design
Stand Ideas

Elevate your brand with a modular stand! Belgian design studio with a strong focus on creativity and creating stopping power in a Western European style.

van straaten
  • Printed Panels
  • Printed Textiles
Van Straaten bv

We help our customers in branding spaces. Our team creates impressive visual communications, driving brand awareness and brand engagement.

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