Znajdź swojego bePartnera
beMatrix stawia na jakość, dlatego zdecydowaliśmy się na współpracę z kilkoma partnerami w zakresie określonych usług. Partnerzy ci zostali starannie wybrani na podstawie wielu ważnych kryteriów i każdego roku ich praca podlega audytowi. W ten sposób budujemy długoterminowe relacje, które są korzystne dla obu stron.

- Printed Panels
- Printed Textiles
Design To Print, Inc.

- LEDskin® content
Digital Touch Productions
Inspirational design from exhibition stands to digital content for LEDskin®.

- LEDskin®
- LEDskin® content
Dragonface Productions GmbH
Dragonface Productions GmbH is official beMatrix bePartner for LEDskin® and LEDskin® Content.

- Printed Panels
- Printed Textiles
Drukpoznan is a certified bePartner print. They print both on panels and textile.

- Printed Panels
- Printed Textiles
Large format dye sublimation textile printing.

- LEDskin®
Eenorm is an established player in the AV world and has been familiar with beMatrix and beMatrix LEDskin® for years.

- bePartner Design
Design agency specialised in beMatrix solutions. We make about 100 modular projects on average every month.

- LEDskin®
Expohouse Sweden AB
A full service partner in trade fair, event and interior production specialised in LEDskin®.

- LEDskin®
Faust Dyrbye
Verified specialists in LEDskin®.

- Printed Panels
- Printed Textiles
FDM Print Group
FDM Print Group is a printing company specialized in sublimated textiles such as decotex, decoblack, samba with keder.

- Double Deck
Fischer Messe GmbH
Fischer Messe is certified and trained Double Deck bePartner

- Printed Panels
- Printed Textiles
Fusion Imaging
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