Trova il tuo bePartner

beMatrix si impegna a fornire il miglior servizio possibile. Abbiamo scelto di collaborare con alcuni partner per servizi specifici. Tutti i nostri partner vengono accuratamente selezionati in base a una serie di criteri per noi fondamentali e vengono ritestati annualmente. In questo modo, costruiamo un rapporto a lungo termine che è vantaggioso per entrambe le parti.

Cos'è un bePartnerDiventa un bePartner

  • LEDskin®
Galaxy Visual Displays

We have been offering beMatrix stand designs for the last 4 years and those designs represent now the majority of our productions.

  • LEDskin®

DESYTECH has been an audiovisual service provider since 2013 and is a certified bePartner LEDskin®

High Impact Services by Displayit
  • Printed Panels
  • Printed Textiles
High Impact Services by Displayit
HT Connect Web Logo
  • LEDskin®
HT Connect
Image Options
  • Printed Panels
  • Printed Textiles
Image Options
  • LEDskin®
  • LEDskin® content
Immersive AV

Hi, we’re Immersive AV! We’re an interactive technology supplier, combining innovative digital content with cutting-edge audiovisual technology to deliver meaningful brand experiences.

  • LEDskin®
Infuse Communication AB

We'll make sure you're visible and get the functional and efficient meeting space you need, whether it's an exhibition stand, product launch, fixed installation or an event. 

  • LEDskin®
Insert Productions

We are the engineers of creative technical production, bringing innovative technical solutions that respond directly to the needs of our clients and their audiences.

ION Exhibits Web Logo
  • LEDskin®
Ion Exhibits
kl druck
  • Printed Panels
KL Druck

Full service printing company for big and small print runs.

  • Printed Panels
Kleinhempel GmbH

Come azienda tradizionale con una lunga tradizione e un'attitudine all'innovazione, Kleinhempel è il suo partner competente per tutte le forme di pubblicità nel settore pubblico: stampa di grande formato, segnaletica digitale e servizi media.

  • Pop-OUT

We are a full-service supplier with a focus on trade fair stands, festivals, restaurants, hotel and shop interiors, retail and printed matter and signage. Expert in pop-OUT!

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