The goal of our Euroshop stand design was to show the basics of our system, the possibilities of our innovations and to inspire advanced users. We wanted to give a wow feeling from beginning to end where you were blown away from the very first minute! The beMatrix city concept was born. From a simple bus stop and kiosk, to a (double) Double Deck and 8 meters high hotel full of LEDskin®.
The beMatrix city was the talk of the town! Customers told us that they kept on discovering new elements in our stand even after being 3 days on our show floor. That’s why we do it and love doing it!

The BIG SAM Light is het perfect solution for equal illumination of large surfaces. The adjustable LED light gives you maximal flexibility as you can turn it 340°. This allows you to mount it at the top of the structure as well as below depending on the desired exposure.

We used 4 BIG SAMs to illuminate a large billboard 6 sq m on top of the pop-OUT. Looks amazing right?!
You can switch between 3 colour temperatures to have the perfect atmosphere that suits your design. Another advantage is that all cables are non-visible because you can put the wire into the big holes of the beMatrix frames. You can add up to 20 BIG SAM Lights to have the perfect lighting.
Before, during and even after the completion of your project, beMatrix is always at your service. beMatrix clients can rely on many (digital) services. A specific area on the Double Deck was designated to demonstrate the strength and advantages of the MybeMatrix platform.

beCAD Web & Inventor
Our technical experts gave a personal explanation of the advantages of using the beMatrix beCAD online tool or the new beCAD Inventor plugin. All features were discovered, advantages were shared and stands were drawn. Start drawing in beCAD right now!

Carbon Footprint Calculator
On EuroShop we launched our new carbon footprint calculator. This advanced tool will help our users to calculate the footprint of a stand’s structure and finish based on standards formulated in the Bilan Carbon. For each created design, they can research what the CO2 emission impact of a material choice is.

bePartner network
Last but not least we collaborated with a couple of bePartners to build this amazing stand. The hotel tower was finished with AcoFelt, a panel made out of recycled PET from ocean waste that can be printed, milled and bent. bePartner Plano Plastics advised us in this process. Get in touch with them for more information.
Stand builder of our booth is beMaster Verel Building Experiences, from the Netherlands, who professionally proposed, created and built the stand. They got some assistance on our Xtreme Solution Double Deck by bePartner and Double Deck expert Stand Out XPO. LEDskin® bePartner, AVMS, provided us of all LEDskin® panels and service. By partnering up we got the opportunity to create this amazing project.
Check out the build-up from team Verel underneath!
Global Rental Network
At the stand entrance we placed a bus stop, made out of beMatrix straight and curved frames and an integrated beTV. The bus stop reflects to our Global Rental Network all over Europe. We have 10 rental and service centres where you can rent beMatrix products and get support from professionals. Save on both transport and CO2 emissions.
In the middle of the stand we build a spectacular LEDskin® fountain/fish tank with our bar around it. We used straight and curved LEDskin® panels with convex and concave curves. We also opted to place a panel with the back on the outside to show the sophisticated technique and the storage of cabling inside the frame.
Fast clamp
On EuroShop we presented you the history of the beMatrix clamp. From 2 clunky pieces of metal to an inventive clamp you can operate with just 1 hand! The evolution involved a lot of time saving solutions. Did you know that we used 5400 connectors in this stand design! 1000 M8 bolts and almost 1500 Double Clamps. Impressive right?

The NEW Fast Clamp, the 7th of its generation, will make the stand and event building go faster. 30-50% less building time to be precise. No more screwing your clamp into your frame thanks to the ingenious locking mechanism. With just one push on the button and your clamp will be fixed into the frame! You can even leave the Fast Clamp in its position in the frame during transport and storage.

No more mounting a TV in your stand using a bracket! beTV is a professional retail 75” TV integrated in a b62® beMatrix frame with dimensions 992 x 1984. Both portrait or landscape installation are perfectly possible.

We integrated 2 beTVs in our stand design. One in the bus stop, vertically oriented, and one on top of the Double Deck, horizontally oriented, both finished with panels. Our bePartner AVMS presented two beTVs in their stand design both finished with textile. This shows the possibilities with this new building block and the smooth finish you will get.
beConstruct profile
The beConstruct profile is a new product in the beMatrix range which is light, thin and, most importantly, build up from the ground. This way, you can save up on hanging points from the ceiling which are very expensive.

Made to hang light objects, such as lightboxes, in between your construction without the overkill of a heavy profile. Track lighting can be integrated thanks to the inserted grove and panels will be the finish. Our stand builder had the great idea to give an extra finishing touch with LED strips that changed of colour with our show state. Check the video for the final result.
Read more on the beConstruct in our Xtreme Solutions brochure
New Perfect corner
The Perfect corner is a welded 90° corner frame. Combine the Perfect corner with any of the b62® frames, curved, straight, doors ... to get the most out of your design. With the new Perfect Corner you can add two straight panels with only a single small lip visible.

In our stand design, you can find the perfect corner in the hotel tower together, at the outside of the pop-OUT and in a couple of our planters. This new innovation can be an asset and give strength to your stand design.
Read more on the New Corner Profile in our System brochure on page 42
Our 8-metre-high hotel tower was not only the eye-catcher from outside, but also amazing inside. We chose not to finish beMatrix products inside to clearly see the structure. Our Xtreme Solution beTruss was the centrepiece of the structure.

beTruss allows you to build stands of any size, no matter how big, with one single system. There's no need to bother with mounting points, because this structure is built from the ground up and not from rigging points.
Materials to fill the frames
At our EuroShop stand we used no fewer than 28 different types of material as infills. For example 100% recycled panels, glass sections, milled Acofelt, metal mesh and wooden slats with fabric were applied in our stand. With beMatrix frames, the infills can be as creative as you want. This shows that you can combine a modular system with bespoke items.
Re-usage of parts of the design
99% of the time when you build a stand, small or big, all materials and constructions are thrown away. With beMatrix, the inventor of the modular frame system with big holes, we want to show our customers that the same stand can be rebuild on another place.
We’re always telling to reuse and because actions speak louder than words, we’re going to show you that it’s possible. We are going to install 60% of the EuroShop stand in our showroom. The rest of the materials were rented so can go to new projects. This way, we could invest a bigger amount on the finish and use more sustainable materials. Win win! You don’t believe us? In June we will show you the final result!

Only one special
In our EuroShop stand design we opted to use standard frames. With this, we want to show you that you can already get very far by using standard frameworks and do not necessarily need customisation.

The only special in this design is the “roof” of pop-OUT. This construction consists of one standard trapezium frame, one customised trapezium frame and one rectangular frame.
All other frames in the stand design were either used from out of our stand builder its stock or rented from the Belgian beMatrix Rental & Service Centre.
To finish, we would like to thank our partners who collaborated on this wonderful project:
- Stand builder: Verel Building Experiences
- Double Deck Expert: Stand Out XPO
- Rental frames: Rental & Service Centre Belgium
- LEDskin®: AVMS
- LEDskin® content: Whojo
- LEDskin® installation: Bitstream
- Marketing campaign: Proud Mary
Without their knowledge and hard work, we would not have achieved this impressive result. Thank you!
Join us for another look at the final result!
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